For as long as she can remember, Elena’s ambitions have always stemmed around helping others through challenging times and to be there for people who need support and guidance. Elena initially had planned to study clinical psychology specialising in schizophrenia, however after turning 20 and a year before going to university she had a hemorrhagic stroke caused by an unaware AVM rupture. She was left with right-sided hemiplegia, sensory issues and eventually a late diagnosis of epilepsy.

“ Throughout the years since the stroke, the effects of everyday life for someone who lives with a disability had taken over my psychological wellbeing. Discrimination among other things had played a big role in my emotions as well as my low self-esteem which led to social anxiety and additional anxiety disorders. After experiencing the hardest years of my life, I decided to gather what I’ve learnt from nearly every aspect of my life as a stroke survivor living with a disability and apply it towards helping fellow stroke survivors and their loved ones.”

 Elena decided to become a stroke recovery coach during the time she studies to become a psychologist. Other stroke survivors have reached out to her both through social media and in-person for tips on recovery and as a soundboard for their own struggles related to stroke. She felt that while studying, she could still help others holistically and to help use their personal strengths and unique traits to guide them through their goals and aspirations. Although Elena knows much about stroke, this doesn’t limit to things outside of stroke such as anxiety, grief, chronic illness, pain, conflict, confidence, immigration and low self-esteem.

As Elena continues to guide her clients through their stroke recovery journeys and pursues her own path towards becoming a psychologist, she finds joy in the connections she's built with fellow survivors. Seeing their resilience and determination reminds her of the strength we all possess within us.

Every day, Elena approaches the future with a sense of optimism and determination. Fueled by her own experiences and the lessons learned along the way, she remains confident in her ability to overcome any challenges that may arise. And as she witnesses the progress and successes of those she helps, she's reminded that there's always hope and brighter days ahead, no matter how tough the road may seem.